Comfort and safety are our 1st priority
We want your children to be comfortable, relaxed, and happy while the lay back and receive dental care.
We want all of our patients to have a great dental experience and be excited to come back. Our goal is for children to build positive memories of the dentist from an early age to help them establish healthy patterns for the rest of their lives. The majority of children do great for treatment with just a movie playing overhead and maybe some nitrous oxide (a.k.a. laughing gas). Other children will benefit from an oral sedation medication, and some will do better with deep IV sedation or general anesthesia. We will evaluate your child and talk through which type, if any, would be the best fit. We will discuss the benefits and the risks of each option and any questions or concerns that may arise to find the right option for your child. We believe that parent’s comfort is as important as child’s comfort.